Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd Modern Slavery Statement 2023-2024


This Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd Modern Slavery Statement provides details on our commitment to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not occurring in our core operations and supply chains.


Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd is part of the Westfalia Fruit Group, which is part of Hans Merensky Holdings. The Westfalia Fruit Group is recognised as being a global leader in growing fresh avocados. Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd sources, ripens, packs and delivers avocados from all over the world to supermarkets and wholesale markets across the UK and Europe.


The Westfalia Fruit Group Board of Directors and UK Senior Management Team accept responsibility and are committed to uncovering, preventing, and eradicating modern slavery and hidden labour exploitation from own operations and global supply chains.


Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd has built long-term relationships with suppliers worldwide. All our products are sourced from approved, nominated suppliers who have passed a supplier approval verification process and have achieved our ethical requirements.


Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd are commited to transparency and collaboration in our efforts to mitigate modern slavery. We have developed and embedded a human rights due diligence framework that continuously assesses human rights risks within our business and supply chains.


Our policies reflect commitment to ethical business activities and to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

  • Ethical Trading Policy
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Whistleblowing policy
  • Preventing Hidden Labour Exploitation Policy
  • Policy on Forced Labour within the supply chain
  • Responsible Recruitment Policy
  • Child Labour Policy
  • Positive Work Policy
  • Grievance Procedure


Our Human rights due diligence framework focuses on engagement with our suppliers with the intention where needed to improve worker welfare and closely monitor health and safety, outsourced labour management, grievance mechanisms, worker representation, living accommodation standards and transport provision throughout our own operations and supply chains. We demonstrate our due diligence by risk assessing suppliers within our supply chain, conducting 2nd party audits & visits,
monitoring 3rd party audit results, and providing training to aid awareness.


Our Human Rights KPIs show how successful our activities and programs are. They are critical in helping us understand the effect of our efforts and where further improvements can be made. Our Human Rights KPIs are reviewed and communicated to our stakeholders annually.


All employees at Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd receive training on modern slavery awareness. Our management team can also access specific e-learning courses on modern slavery-related topics via web-based platforms. In addition, we require our UK labour providers to complete the Stronger Together Modern Slavery programme and educate temporary workers on the issue during the registration process.


Westfalia Fruit UK Ltd are active members of the following organisations: Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX), Association of Labour Providers (ALP), Stronger Together, Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA) and Spanish Ethical Trade Forum.


  • Continue to promote modern slavery and hidden labour exploitation training to overseas suppliers and labour providers.
  • Continue the use of the Modern Slavery Key Performance Indicator metrics to deliver continuous improvement and evaluate our success.
  • Continue organising surveys to collect anonymous worker feedback on human rights and welfare.
  • Increase our Stronger Together Progression Score

This statement has been approved by the Westfalia Fruit Ltd Board of Directors and is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

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