Community support.
Our Corporate Social Investment programmes aim to improve the lives of people in areas in which we operate.

Westfalia Fruit cares for people. We deliver support in the form of skills development, education, and early childhood development. We also provide primary health care and improve living conditions for our colleagues as well as local communities.

How we give back to the community.
Enabling education
Providing healthcare
Access to farmland
Donating Fruit
Supporting remote communities
We are always exploring opportunities to improve lives in remote communities.

Throughout the world, we partner with a network of local growers to enhance the quality of their fruit and help them access global markets via our networks. This fosters sustainable businesses that contribute to community growth and development.
In Mozambique, Westfalia Fruit works with over 200 smallholder lychee growers. We facilitated a grant for irrigation systems to improve their production and funded their certification for export.
In Colombia, we supported local growers in acquiring the GlobalGAP certification, enabling them to reach export markets outside their network.
Exporting fresh mangoes is a significant challenge in Burkina Faso due to its remote location and transportation times. That is why we have set up a mango drying facility. This enabled over 2000 local growers to sell us their fresh fruit. We cut and dry the fruit and sell it to first-world economies. Additionally, the drying facility creates about 1500 seasonal jobs, most of them occupied by women within the local community.
In Peru, we promote cultivating avocados rather than other lower-value crops. This enables 370 smallholder local growers to earn a better income to support their families.

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Westfalia Fruit advises us day by day, so we are almost like brothers working in the field together.

Isaías de la Cruz
Isaías de la Cruz

Local grower in Peru

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